Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Thoughts on Diet and Illness

Hey Moonbeams! It's been so long since I've blogged!

I have been having lots of challenges over these years with my thumb, and now I know exactly what's goin on! After getting bit by a spider on my thumb not too long ago, I've realized that I need to get creative again, and start writing things that will hopefully help someone else, in some way.

I was going to post all of this to facebook, but I've decided that it's a little too Anyways, 
my daughter has been ill today, and these are some thoughts that I've been having on the connection between diet and illness.

Perhaps all of the illness that we get is from the food we eat? My daughter Kaya is a processed meat and cheese eater, and sometimes she doesn't even eat organic. I have given her the opportunity to choose the foods she eats, with some exceptions and limitations. I notice, however, when she is sick, the evidence of her diet's insufficiencies. Because she is a blood type A, less meats, especially red, would be a good thing to eliminate from her diet, but due to her loving of red meat from womb and being a baby (I ate meat then), she grew to love it!!! Replacing those meats with fish and more veggies would be so much better. I wish she loved salmon but unfortunately she can't stand it!!

I personally choose not to eat meat (although I have been known to have salmon once in a while) and dairy, as well as wheat, and most processed foods, and I eat mainly organic, very little conventional, and no GMO's. I have never been healthier, and do not get the "flu". I do, however, get very ill when I eat certain foods, like MSG. I do have an anxiety/ depression condition that I treat naturally with the diet that I have, and have no need for anti-depressants, because I take Omega fatty acids, eat lots of greens (heart chakra fed), fruits for clean energy and root veggies for grounding. I am not a true vegan however. I eat honey, and I take a glucosamine/condroitin/MSM supplement for my joints. I would like to upgrade on that for myself soon to a vegan option.

Perhaps the "flu" is just a once-per-year necessary cleansing process, if you have participated in eating SAD (Standard American Diet). I know that when I was sick when I was a child and pre-teen, I was eating a lot of processed foods, and when I got the flu, I was down for a week, with headache, stomach ache, stuffy and runny nose, etc!!! These days if I get any food sickness, I'm down 2 days tops, and it rarely happens.

When I was a baby, I could not have milk, of any kind, not even my own mom's. I was sick, and my mom ended up giving me raw liver in an attempt to help my anemia. I eventually got better. I adapted. These days the only milk I will allow in my system is raw milk, which is a rarity these days. Even that I will not consume much of, but will appreciate it again I'm sure, for it's healing abilities, in a small amount. Since I could not have mom's milk, I am very grateful to have been able to experience it from a happy Jersey cow. Dairy actually has natural opiates in it, too. This is nature's way of keeping baby with mom. I definitely believe that a fair, symbiotic relationship should be had with nature- and cows should be respected and should only be treated with love, not only because it's right, but also because the milk will have more healing in it.

I thankfully was able to breast feed my child, Kaya. When she is ill, she doesn't get half as sick as I did when I was her age. I'm glad she was able to get all of the immunities that I built up from my young age of struggles!

I hope that even though she eats outside of what I truly want for her, I know that Kaya will take after me some day! She has really picked up on the natural lifestyle, since I've introduced her to it around 5 years old. 

Thanks for reading! If you ever have anything you'd like to learn about diet and lifestyle, please let me know, and I will blog on it! I need to write!

Tawni Louise Lay​

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Life has been good lately. I've been enjoying the beauty of each smile that my child carries on her face, how my husband always seems to surprise me with his love, and how even when I need to fight tooth and nail for the right thing, something good always comes out of it.

Learning how to balance the fire that I have inside of me, with the coolness of the life-giving and shifting air that surrounds us... while still feeling the grounding connection of the earth...and properly using a balance of our precious water to help continue to bring in freshness and life...

It is all a balance. Striving for love no matter what may be occurring in the present is always my goal now. This is definitely what becoming a healthy being is all about!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Hello Golden Sunbeam…

I hope this New Year is beginning a wonderful renewal of life for you!

Not long ago, late November, I went to a second unit of training at Yogaville in Virginia, under the Viniyoga Foundations for Yoga Therapy training, which is a 500 hour, yoga teacher training. I returned from Yogaville on December the 7th from the training, which was in Pranayama…which means breathwork. We also learned how to do gentle touch to bring awareness to certain things that the student needed to focus on, as well as how to use words to illustrate to the student what to do in the posture. I also learned more about chanting Yoga Sutras, which are the threads of yoga teachings, as well as the philosophy behind the beautiful words that they translate to. I go back to do the 3rd section of the training from March 10th to the 22nd, which mostly about chanting and meditation. I’m uber excited about it because I love to chant and meditate!

I’ve also graduated from CTC with my Associates Degree, FINALLY! I received my diploma in the mail today… and have just today begun classes at Ashford University, in their online BA program for Complimentary and Alternative Health. J

In the midst of all of this activity, I also have classes and events scheduled throughout the Winter and Spring. If you’re interested in attending any of my usual classes or events, please read on below for details.

SATURDAY JANUARY 26Th, 2013: Raw Foods Class at Triapolis Wellness Center, 2-5 p.m. Learn how to make an organic green smoothie, raw salad, and raw cheesecake! There have been having lots of requests for making the cheesecake….it is a delicious dessert! Also learn why raw fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds are so beneficial for you. No other time is better than now for you to begin eating more raw food. Please go to for more information. J

SATURDAY FEBRUARY 9th, 2013: Small Group Ministry Group BEGINS: Healthy Living for Bliss!!! This is a free small group ministry for people interested in learning to live in bliss through simple Christ-centered yoga, breathing, meditation, scripture, natural healing methods, gardening, and more! Meet like minded people who love God and love to become one with each other, and work together as a team to build Heaven on Earth. The group will meet once per month on Saturday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

SATURDAY FEBRUARY 16th, 2013: A FREE Heart Healthy Yoga Class at the Harker Heights Public Library. Please call the Library at 254-953-5496 to sign up for this free event. J Couples are welcome, as well as individual students. Bring a yoga mat, towel, and water. J Don’t forget to call and sign up!! These yoga events are only about 4 times/year. 

SATURDAY APRIL 13th, 2013: Reflexology Class at Central Texas College. Reflexology is a natural healing art based on the principle that there are “reflexes” in the feet which correspond to every part, gland and organ of the body.  Through application of pressure on these reflexes, reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation and helps promote the natural function of the related areas of the body.  Wear comfortable clothing.  Bring a snack if desired.  Tawni Lay, a trained reflexology practitioner with six years of experience, works weekly at the Fort hood Reset clinic treating soldiers with post traumatic stress disorder.  (1 meeting) Cost: $25

SATURDAY APRIL 27th, 2013: Yoga and Raw Food Retreat at Central Texas College. Learn some gentle, healing yoga, meditation, breathing exercises and self-healing techniques.  Students will also learn how to make simple raw snacks and green smoothies that help detoxify the body.  Bring a towel and yoga mat.  Wear comfortable clothes in which you can stretch and relax.  Tawni Lay is a certified Integral Hatha yoga who has been practicing yoga for 16 years and studying natural health and raw foods for nine years.  (1 meeting) Cost: $59

SATURDAY FEBRUARY 23rd and MAY 25th, 2013: Introduction to Raw Foods, at Central Texas College. Learn why raw organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds are so beneficial for sustaining health and vitality in the human body.  Students will also explore why processed foods can be so harmful.  Class includes a demonstration to show you how to prepare a raw drink, meal and dessert.  Recipes will be provided.  Tawni Lay has been eating a primarily raw diet since 2007 and enjoys teaching others how to find radiant health through raw organic foods.  (1 meeting) Cost: $39

To sign up for classes at Central Texas College, please call (254)-526-1586.

Here is an awesome green smoothie recipe…one that I do frequently. If you’ve never tried a green smoothie…they are quite delicious. Make sure you choose fruits that you love when making them…and substitute those fruits you love for these in the recipe, if need be. J

Blueberry ~ Banana Green Smoothie
Serves 2


¼ to ½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries
2 large handfuls spinach, romaine, or other sweet tender greens
3-4 ripe fresh or frozen bananas
1 tablespoon raw almond butter (optional)
1 tablespoon raw honey (optional)

Place all ingredients into a high speed blender, and cover with water completely, until water reaches 1-2 inches from the top of the blender. Blend all ingredients until smooth, and enjoy.

Blueberries and bananas go well together in green smoothies, because blueberries are a sub-acid fruit, which combine well with sweet fruits such as bananas.

Green Smoothie Facts

Green smoothies are “pre-digested” by being blended up, which helps them to be more easily digested into the body. The nutrients are more readily available to you, but you must chew your green smoothie, even though it is liquid. When you chew the smoothie, your saliva is released from your mouth, which contains important enzymes for digestion. This means that rather than gulp your smoothie like a beverage, let it linger in your mouth for a few seconds between sips, and chew.

Victoria Boutenko, author of Green for Life, is the founder of green smoothies. Her son had diabetes and her daughter, husband, as well as Victoria herself all had their own health struggles, so they all went on a raw food diet overnight. Victoria discovered green smoothies after blending kale and bananas together with water, and it was the first time that greens were palatable for her. She was on a raw food diet for years after finding out her son had diabetes, and although she was eating many great foods, her diet had little to no greens at all. Her body started to age again from eating no greens, although she was eating a wide variety of fruits. After adding in the green smoothies, Victoria and her family’s health picked back up. Victoria’s hair began to grow back in its natural color, moles disappeared on her face, and she and her family became renewed with energy and vitality.

~Just a little treat of information that I thought I’d add in for you this time!

I hope you have a fabulous New Year, and maybe I will see you soon!

Blissful Blessings to You,
Tawni <3

Tawni Lay
The Living Lotus
"Like the Lotus blossom, each human soul has the
potential to rise out of harsh conditions and bloom into a magnificent creation."

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Living Lotus Newsletter

I’m so happy to be getting this newsletter to you, and I hope you enjoy it.

I know that some of you have been looking forward to the yoga retreats, and the very first one is going to be this September the 24th, a Saturday! There will be yoga stretching, a meditation at the pond if weather permits, breathing exercises, learning reflexology, raw food snacks, and more.

If you are interested in signing up, please call Central Texas College Continuing Education at (254)-526-1991.
Thank you to those of you who came to the Raw Foods Workshop on July the 16th. It was a blast! It took me some time to find the time to write this, boy a lot has been happening… so much in life is changing.
I am coming up on my last 4 weeks of the year teaching yoga until next Summer! If you’d like to sign up, do it quick, the first class starts on Monday August 8th

BUT, I’ve got GOOD NEWS!!! A friend of mine is possibly going to try teaching the weekday evening Yoga at CTC!!! She is an excellent yoga teacher who I’ve become great friends with, who teaches at Heritage Park Fitness and Gold’s Gym. Keep a lookout and I will give you an update on if she will be teaching. 

The reason I am not teaching those nights anymore is because I’ve decided to put more focus on my family, and developing other skills that I have. I’ve been teaching yoga a long time twice per week in the evenings for a long time now, since 2007. It’s been almost 5 years, and I’ve been feeling a calling to switch my focus a little. When Summer comes along, I will be back to teaching. Not sure what the schedule will look like, but I will keep you posted.

This weekend there is a Drumming at Sally Dutczak’s home in Kempner, and if you’d like, we can also do a Raw Food Potluck. I plan to bring some flax crackers and a couple other friends were going to bring something too, so please let me know if you’d like to bring food. The potluck starts around 5.
I was thinking about doing a Native American Rain Dance there. Not sure how it works but I’m sure with some drums and prayers, God will be able to bring some rain down a little easier! :D
I know I said to my workshop students that I’d talk about how to eat a healthy whole foods cooked diet, and since my time is limited, I have listed some main points below. This is the diet you can transition to if you are consuming processed foods and really want to get healthier.

Main Points on How to Adhere to a Healthy Whole~ Foods Cooked Diet

*Eliminate highly processed starches and sugars, such as white bread and white sugar.
*Eliminate all dyes, preservatives, and chemicals from your diet.
*Eat only lean meats that are organic and not processed, such as turkey, chicken and fish, as well as organic, preferably farm fresh eggs, or if you are wanting to go vegetarian, eat beans, quinoa, nuts and seeds for protein.
*Eat only dairy products that contain no hormones or antibiotics, preferably raw.
*Consume sweeteners that are pure and organic, such as honey, agave nectar, raw sugar, raw stevia, and maple syrup.
*Include plenty of organic dark green leafy vegetables in your diet, preferably most of them raw.
*Add a variety of organic fruits like apples, plums, pineapple, grapes, and plenty of berries to your diet.
*Add mineral and nutrient rich vegetables and fruits like radishes, cucumbers, bell peppers and carrots to your diet, as well as some sweet potatoes and possibly, occasionally, baked white potato.
*Eat whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and millet as well as whole grain breads that contain to preservatives, such as Ezekiel Bread and Manna Bread.
*Consume sea weeds and other nutrient rich super foods.
*Drink plenty of water and enjoy herbal teas.
*Eat fermented foods like kimchi, natto, miso, kombucha tea, and dairy free yogurts made from things like coconut.

Classes Coming Up with Continuing Education~ Call 526-1991

Reflexology Class~ Sept 10th, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Yoga Retreat~ Sept 24th, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Raw Foods Class~ October 8th, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Reflexology Class~ November 5th, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

I will keep you posted on these upcoming classes! They are really fun. Please let me know if you are interested in knowing any more info on the classes, I’d be glad to give it to you. 

Try to make it to the Riverside Raw Food Potluck this weekend, 5 p.m if you can! It is followed by a drumming at 7 p.m. I will send directions if you need them, please let me know.
Have a wonderful rest of your week, and stay hydrated! The picture attached is a raw pizza that I made…I actually made the crust out of wheat berries. I am planning to make one out of spelt berries.

Lots of Love, Joy and Light,


The Living Lotus
(254)220-0178 mobile
"Like the Lotus blossom, each human soul has the
potential to rise out of harsh conditions and bloom into a magnificent creation."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Raw Foods Potluck Sunday, July 3rd

Check this video out! We had the best time EVER!!! Recipes will be coming soon, so stay tuned!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Living Lotus Newsletter

Hello Bless~ed Beings,

Wanted to let you know about a few things coming up!

First of all, I am having an Intro to Raw Foods Class this coming Saturday, April 23rd, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. If you are interested in
attending, please call (254)-526-1991 and register!

Learn how to make delicious raw pizza, a green smoothie, raw nut milk and more. If you are attending and have some ideas on what to make, please let me know!

Also, the Riverside Raw Food Potluck and Drumming is coming up on May 1st at Sally Dutczak's home in Kempner!

Hope you can attend! Check out for some yummy ideas on what to make. :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

May You Be Blessed

Om. May you be blessed. 
May the love of life give you peace and rest.
May the light of the sun shine down upon you, 
To light your path and see you through.

Om. May you be in joy.
May this joy fill the hearts of every girl and boy.
May your being swell with the birth of a new creation,
To light the path of all the world's nations.

Om. May you be happy.
May your natural state be allowed to just be.
May you know that all is well in your world forevermore,
To open up all possibilities that lie behind every door.

Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi.<3