Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Thoughts on Diet and Illness

Hey Moonbeams! It's been so long since I've blogged!

I have been having lots of challenges over these years with my thumb, and now I know exactly what's goin on! After getting bit by a spider on my thumb not too long ago, I've realized that I need to get creative again, and start writing things that will hopefully help someone else, in some way.

I was going to post all of this to facebook, but I've decided that it's a little too Anyways, 
my daughter has been ill today, and these are some thoughts that I've been having on the connection between diet and illness.

Perhaps all of the illness that we get is from the food we eat? My daughter Kaya is a processed meat and cheese eater, and sometimes she doesn't even eat organic. I have given her the opportunity to choose the foods she eats, with some exceptions and limitations. I notice, however, when she is sick, the evidence of her diet's insufficiencies. Because she is a blood type A, less meats, especially red, would be a good thing to eliminate from her diet, but due to her loving of red meat from womb and being a baby (I ate meat then), she grew to love it!!! Replacing those meats with fish and more veggies would be so much better. I wish she loved salmon but unfortunately she can't stand it!!

I personally choose not to eat meat (although I have been known to have salmon once in a while) and dairy, as well as wheat, and most processed foods, and I eat mainly organic, very little conventional, and no GMO's. I have never been healthier, and do not get the "flu". I do, however, get very ill when I eat certain foods, like MSG. I do have an anxiety/ depression condition that I treat naturally with the diet that I have, and have no need for anti-depressants, because I take Omega fatty acids, eat lots of greens (heart chakra fed), fruits for clean energy and root veggies for grounding. I am not a true vegan however. I eat honey, and I take a glucosamine/condroitin/MSM supplement for my joints. I would like to upgrade on that for myself soon to a vegan option.

Perhaps the "flu" is just a once-per-year necessary cleansing process, if you have participated in eating SAD (Standard American Diet). I know that when I was sick when I was a child and pre-teen, I was eating a lot of processed foods, and when I got the flu, I was down for a week, with headache, stomach ache, stuffy and runny nose, etc!!! These days if I get any food sickness, I'm down 2 days tops, and it rarely happens.

When I was a baby, I could not have milk, of any kind, not even my own mom's. I was sick, and my mom ended up giving me raw liver in an attempt to help my anemia. I eventually got better. I adapted. These days the only milk I will allow in my system is raw milk, which is a rarity these days. Even that I will not consume much of, but will appreciate it again I'm sure, for it's healing abilities, in a small amount. Since I could not have mom's milk, I am very grateful to have been able to experience it from a happy Jersey cow. Dairy actually has natural opiates in it, too. This is nature's way of keeping baby with mom. I definitely believe that a fair, symbiotic relationship should be had with nature- and cows should be respected and should only be treated with love, not only because it's right, but also because the milk will have more healing in it.

I thankfully was able to breast feed my child, Kaya. When she is ill, she doesn't get half as sick as I did when I was her age. I'm glad she was able to get all of the immunities that I built up from my young age of struggles!

I hope that even though she eats outside of what I truly want for her, I know that Kaya will take after me some day! She has really picked up on the natural lifestyle, since I've introduced her to it around 5 years old. 

Thanks for reading! If you ever have anything you'd like to learn about diet and lifestyle, please let me know, and I will blog on it! I need to write!

Tawni Louise Lay​